Friday, January 20, 2006

alternate layouts for blog...

hey everyone, i thought the dark background blog template looked cool at first, but i've found it's hard to read colored text links over the dark background, so i think i'll experiment with some of the other template/layouts. please let me know if you see anything you like/hate. :)


Bonnie Boss said...

Hi Dan,
I know how you are feeling about the colors. If you have a light background, you will just be limited to using darker colors. If you use a darker background, then you have to use the really pale colors or really dark colors. There is no in between and I haven,t seen any background yet that you can use all of the colors that are avalale.

During our first semester, we had light brown background. Debbie switched us to the green background that you are using presently during our second semester. So if it is harder to read our first semester stuff, that is why. It is probably best to find one that you like early on and stick with it the whole time or change with similar (light or dark) backgrounds if you like to refresh your look now and then.

Harrison Cole said...

Hey Dan, you are doing a good job on your blog colors. It might be motivating to have four different colors to represent each semester as a visual milestone for us. Not necessary, but what do you think? Anyway, variety is a good idea. Harrison