Tuesday, August 22, 2006


We need to have a PDA Party ASAP for the 1st Semester Nursing students. It looks as if a Monday 1300 or 1400ish might be the best time for all semesters. (It would be nice if maybe the SNA could take this up as an ongoing project every semester). I cannot do this alone. This involves a lot of sharing and instruction 1 on 1. I need anyone with any kind of PDA to share what you have learned so far in your PDA usage. We are all still learning and can swap programs, helps and ideas with each other.

We need the PDA information sheet that was provided by the 2nd semester at the welcome tea. Can someone please send me a copy?
We also need to consolidate all past posted PDA info and any other info that we have access to.

This is an important project that will benefit all students and Nursing faculty alike. Please help and post replies here or email them to me.

I thank everyone in advance for your help.

This is the semester that you are mentoring in. Please extend to them the help that you received when you first started.


Jenifer Williams said...

I will be there and happy to help with what I can. See you there, Jen

Bonnie Boss said...

Thanks Jennifer, if you could spread the word it would be greatly appreciated.