Tuesday, February 21, 2006

For those who couldn't make it today...

Mrs. Semillo's study session for quiz #5
1. No RED meat
2. Check for allergies to Shellfish and iodine
3. Use STERILE container, sterile syringe w/ sterile needle, clean port with anitmicrobial swab, clamp below port, collect sample
4. Peaceful and dignified death. Keyword: Autonomy. allow the pt to make as many decisions as possible
5. wipe front to back (female, clean to dirty (male), sterile container, start stream and catch 30-60mL
6. Provide pt with as much info to make a reasonable decision when donating organs
7. Assess activity/strength/tolerance, orthostatic hypotension- check pulse and BP when pt is laying down, sitting up, and standing
8. Under STERILE conditions: open pkgs, apply sterile gloves, open all the pkg, check equipment (inflate and lubricate), drape and cleanse pt, identify orifice, insert, and check urine
9. Change in bowel movements, bleeding
10. Keep bag below waist, equipment management- do not let the bag get full, empty it
11. increase fluids, diet: high fiber, low fat, exercise, medication education
12. assess, ROM/motor/strength of extremities--. atrophy/musclemass, CV (decrease Cardiac output), Resp. (decrease Tidal volume), GI (decrease motility, bowel sounds, peristalsis--> constipation), Pain level
13. prepare for loss, prepare to cope, Helps to move on, find inner peace, Have a healthy mental outlook and wellness in life
14. Give self (sit with pt)
15. Skin care (clean/dry), equipment management
16. SUBJECTIVE: pain, frequency, urgency, amount (oliguria, anuria, polyuria, nocturia), OBJECTIVE: Amount (30mL/hr or 1500-1700mL/24hrs), odor, color
17. 1-denial, 2-anger, 3-bargain, 4-depression, 5-acceptance
18. FVD (decreased fluid and electrolytes: K should be 3.5-5.0), Skin breakdown, altered mental status

If I missed something, feel free to add it to this...


Rupert Remont said...

Thank you so much, Jill !

rebecca said...

thanks alot...