Saturday, May 06, 2006

Welcome Tea: A Different Perspective

How many of us have used each other as a support system and learning resource even when you did not know the other student personally?
How many times have you checked the blog for information?
Who knew what was needed for our PDA’s?
How many times have you sought out the guidance of an upper classman, tutor or instructor to help with studying and preparations for the test?
How did you know who and how your clinical instructor would be?
All of these were introduced at our Welcome Tea.
I know that for me, meeting the other students that would be in my clinical group and having a chance to chat and get to know them outside the classroom, was the high point. Some of us are confident walking into a team environment not knowing other members of the team but most of us, when given the opportunity, would prefer the introduction.
This Welcome Tea is not just a cheesy production or an opportunity to out-do other classes. It is an important opportunity to introduce new, first semester students to the resources and support system that was passed on to us; and that we have all used in one form or another.
Although Liana has accepted the responsibility to coordinate the Welcome Tea FOR US, we need to practice the art of giving of ourselves. We all know by this point that nurses get paid good money for a difficult job and a lot of responsibility. What makes it all worthwhile is knowing that we can make a difference and we have the opportunity to do that now.
Donations can be offered with money, time or even supportive interest – whatever works best for your stressed-out, demanding schedule; we’re all in the same boat!
Please come to the next Welcome Tea meeting on May 15th at 3pm after the SNA Rootbeer Float Social (or have someone represent for you) to see what the specific needs are and get signed up. Ideally we would have at least one person from each clinical group. The more people that sign up, the less responsibility we carry individually. If you can’t make it, please email your interest.
This is our chance to Pay It Forward!


liana said...

Thank You Jennifer for everything that you said. I could not have said it any better than you just put it. Matter in fact I think that you said it better than I would have. Thanks again!!

Jenifer Williams said...

sakura, thank you for your interest. Please leave your email and we can make sure that you all can be involved. Also, thanks to all who have participated so far!