Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Final Exam Study Tips From FRANK

1. primary care-immunization, education, prevention
secondary care-disease, treatment
tertiary-longterm, stages of life, rehab

2. educate pt. on procedure & make sure pt understand, active listening

3. assess for LOC, mental status, respiration, ABCD's, pain level.

5. aspirate, do not rub site

6. client's w/CV disease

7. to reduce anxiety, narcotics slows down function, adjunct to anesthesia

8. PQRST, splint w/ pillow for pt with abdominal surgery.

9. 30degrees, turn head to side, check IV patency

10. restate, rephrase, active listening

11. promoting, preserving health population in a group, direct-service oriented, indirect-referrals.

12. monitor weight daily, check VS, temp, check CVC, I/O, equipment, placement, TPN, PPN, extravasation

13. massage, position client

14. Age, renal/liver function, Obesity/Diabetes, immunocompetence, malnourished, depends on meds. know which one is more at risk.

15. phlebitus vs infiltration, extravasation

16. placement, x-ray, aspirate, 30degrees

17. double check with another nurse

18. use vastus lateralis muscle for infants

19. orthostatic hypotension, assess strength, assist client

20. buccal mucosa, gums, teeth

21. size, color, location, depth, odor, surgical incistions are considered a wound; make sure edges are approximated

22. identify factors of s/s to help identify nursing diagnosis

23. allows the pt of having control over pain therapy (pt autonomy)

24. interventions-changes, goal/outcome-does not change. determine if goal/outcome reflects nursing diagnosis if so the goal/outcome is met. if partially met or not met reassess.

25. make sure everything is ready prior to surgery, to prevent errors prior to surgery.

26. for skin testing ex TB, & allergy test

27/30. dehiscence, evisceration. pain leads to respiratory to mobility issues.

28. SE:nausea & vomiting. NI: HOB 30 degrees, slow down infusion

29. abdomen: below costal margins & above the ilian crest

32. results in a greater self-awareness & personal insight

33. void before administration, put all four side rails up, 5 rights

34. problem, etiology, S/S. Know how to put together a nursing diagnisos given s/s and a case study.

35. 5 rights, do not tough tab or caps as you transfer to med cup, assess if pt can swallow (check gag reflex)

36. wash hands, check bandage condition, assess pt hygein daily

37. elevate HOB 30 degrees @ all times, use thickner w/ fluids, no straw, pt w/ paralysis (hemiplegia) have to chew on the stronger side

38. monitor equiptment for placement, monitorsite for infection, make sure x-ray was taken for proper placement.

39. encourage use of spirometer, splinting, hug pillow & ecourage coughing ( if not contra), breathing exercises, encourage ambulation if possible

40. to increase oxygenation & ventilation

41. prevents the deposit of medication through sensitive tissues, seals med in muscle, & minimizes local skin irritation

42. ROME, resp opposite, met equal. look at pH & PCO2. Normal pH=7.35-7.45. PCO2=35-45.




Aveeno76 said...

Thank you, guys, so much!!!

liana said...

well Frank you did some good work my man, I just wish that everyone would think like you. I just have a few to add to the list. Check it out.

7.) reduce anesthesia
8.)qualifying question and open communications
9.) you want to replace fluids via IV
13.) check VS
22.) organize and visualize
25.)identify risk factors
26.) check residual and give feeding slow

You covered just about everything else. Good job!

Rupert Remont said...

Thanks Frank & Blessie !