Thursday, March 09, 2006

SJDC ADN Class of 2007

Has anyone had a chance to look at the IV sample questions look at this question.

The nurse is administering an intradermal tuberculin skin test to a client. The client comments that this "shot" was different than the usual shots. The nurse explains that the difference in the shots is that intradermals are administered at a different angle than intramuscular injections. The angle for intradermal injections is:
15 degrees.
30 degrees.
45 degrees.
90 degrees.

According to the answer sheet it states that the correct answer is C. 45degrees now I thought that it was 5-15 degreees. SQ was 45 degrees am I just reading the question wrong or is there some mistake.


Rupert Remont said...

You might be looking at the wrong answer sheet. The answers are dadbdcdadd after Q#10 The family of a home infusion client... You're right with the 5-15 degrees answer; however, Ms.Julie Kay told us it's better if it's almost 0 degrees.

Caralee said...

Just fyi in case I posted to wrong answer it is 15 degrees.